Monday, December 27, 2010

the lazy and the rich

This thought occured to me while I was boarding my flight to Mumbai today. So I thought why not blog about it from my mobile. So here is the attempt!

The two set of people who board the flight last are the lazy and the rich!

The lazy barely manage to reach on time while the rich get privilege treatment. And what happens in course of time?

The lazy manage to find easier methods to multiply money, and tend to become rich fast. And the rich get used to their luxury and turn lazy!

So they exchange roles, but still manage to board their aircrafts last!! :P

Cheers! :)


  1. so are you the lazy or the rich???

  2. By the way, I blog anonymously so i would probably not exchange facebook and twitter ids... Sorry ya!!! But keep blogging!!! I will be as faithful as I can!!!

  3. hey sry, cudnt reply cuz i was on a tour. well, i am presently the lazy and wanna be the rich very soon! :P

    its alright abt the anonymity :) happy to have a faithful follower of my blog like you! :)
