Sunday, September 26, 2010

It Happens Only In India : Weekend Live at IndiTweetMeet

´It happens only in India´ is a topic that any of us could write an entire book on! So when I thought about the topic, I felt that the best way to deal with it is through pictures. They speak way too much about what we are -

A land of mystical diversity where we challenge the biggest of discoveries with our beliefs and faith, yet trying to convince ourselves that Murphy´s Law ever exists! (Be positive!!)

A land where we are on the verge of harnessing nuclear energy while at the same time, we believe that Ganesha Idols drank milk in 1995!

A land where we have uncountable number of Gods and Godesses for every possible incident in life (not to forget the innumerable Sadhus and Godmen), while Cricket remains the religion with maximum devotees and Tendulkar the only God in it!

A land where we still believe that filmstars can do miracles and they are God´s incarnation to reinstate faith in the poor people of the country!

A land once known for its snake charmers and tigers, today used by President Obama as an aid to threaten/warn his youth about securing America´s future in the world!

Whatever they say, we go by our beliefs. We have our conventions and our convictions that drive our instincts, and these instincts tell us that every problem has more than one way to be solved (Remember Jugaad) and tomorrow is always going to be a better day than today! Cheers to the Indian Way!

Shashi Tharoor´s TED talk on India as tomorrow´s superpower. A must watch! The link.

Some pics I found from the net that I felt are uniquely Indian.

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The sadhu in his saffron clothing and religious attire also carries a burning cigarette and the mobile phone! The ability to set our own rules drawn from evolution is probably the biggest advantage of the Hindu religion, because there is absolutely no hard and fast rule book!

Some other pics on the website

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How much ever we touch the sky, we would still believe that Lord Ganesha is the who stops all kind of ´vighna´ and it would be inauspicious to make the first flight without a Ganapathy pooja!

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Population, the one thing that defines India today. From the compeition in entrance examinations to poverty and hunger, population is the root cause of all evils we have in our country today!

But this growing population is also our strength against world´s superpowers (as President Obama warns American students "At a time when other countries are competing with us like never before, when students around the world in Beijing, China, or Bangalore, India, are working harder than ever, and doing better than ever, your success in school is not just going to determine your success, it's going to determine America's success in the 21st century,")

Whatever we say and however we live today, India is definitely the place to be in tomorrow. And our generation will be the proud architects of this new India!

Jai Hind!
Mera Bhaarat Mahaan!

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  1. Writing this post was a very patriotic experience, especially looking at the unique way we do things! Hope you enjoy reading it too! :)

  2. good post from myriad angles! As for the pic for population, the Vietnamese may have a even worse vehicle :-P .

    If India can stop brain drain, and invest in proper stuffs, then, the economics would be better, and India will be Shining :-) with some more "only in India" facts :-)

    Jai Hind :-)
