Wednesday, August 11, 2010

NITT Global Alumni Meet AND MORE!

The one day I spent with my friends in Bangalore showed me how much I am missing in my life! I had a spectacular weekend in Bangalore which is definitely worth sharing, and my new broadband connection at home is all the more reason for me to blog tonight!

Shanky and Duck have been actively involved in the organisation of GAM, and it is this renewed dedication in them (after Pragyan) that actually drove me to take the pain of going all the way to Bangalore for attending the event! As a matter of fact, it was Shanky who paid for my GAM registration too!

Anyway, I reached Bangalore, early on Saturday morning. One thing with Bangalore that I never learn, despite repeated incidents, is that the place is so damn cold in the mornings! So after another bone chilling taxi ride, I reached the Confident group´s resort which to me seems so far from Banglaore city that its just a stone´s throw away from the Bannarghata National Park.

The place and the atmostphere there brought back to my mind the days of Pragyan and Nittfest that we orgainsed in college! The mornings are filled with anxiety, and fear of any last-minute-goof-ups, while the mind secretly constructs a castle out of every successful moment in the day; each brick in its way trying to reach to that orgasmic satisfaction that one derives at the end of the event!

For the first time, I was a part of the media relations team of any event. It was a wonderful experience, all the more boosted by my friends Vibhu, Siva, Polly and Rohan with whom I worked. I really appreciated the role of media and news channels that day, and the excitement involved in delivering a live incident to audience across the globe as it unfolds!

But when everything goes your way, you know that something is not right. This time it was the rains that spoiled the whole show. All plans were literally ´down the drain!´

In the evening, we set up a video conference with KRSridhar which was possibly the only thing that went right after the rain in the morning.

The next morning, Duck, Shanky, Vibhu and I had breakfast with Arpit, Abhinav and Anurag. It was interesting and exciting to hear about the story behind the origin of Pragyan- something that played a very significant role in our college life, from the same people who were responsible for its start! They spoke to us about their four years in college, and I for one could not help but draw parallels between our batches. We both seem to have had a lot of fun bending and breaking the rules of the college!

Sunday evening was spent in Garuda mall and Leela. I did bowling for the first time in my life! It was great fun!

All in all, it was an amazing weekend, and special thanks to the people who made it special! Looking forward to meeting you all again very soon!


  1. I'd a gr8 time at GAM .. Fun catching wit old mates.. Kudos to the team :)

  2. @shyam nice post. missed gam. :) hoping to catch up with some of you guys during convo. btw nice to see the new domain name. :) expand the blog archives column. its too thin. :)

  3. @vinod- yeah! a very well organised event, esp wen i can hardly lift my finger for anything after a days work in the office!

    @algae- thnx dude! keep th suggestions flowing in! :)

  4. @hnshyam - comfortable using blogger???

  5. @algae- yeah! so far so good... wat are the issues generally ppl face wid blogger?
