Sunday, August 15, 2010

Independence Day 2010!

I wish all fellow Indians a very happy Independence Day!

It is our annual tryst with destiny, to assess our proximity to the dream that our forefathers held high in spirits!

#ID is very much the time when we must script the India we wish to live in, and how we can work towards making it so!

Cheers 2 all Indians! The future belongs to us, and the take over process has already begun!

Jai Hind!

A few ID tweets from twitter:
GabbbarSingh India's 200 run loss to NZ has eroded my patriotism by 200 basis points. #truth

SrBachchan T89 -Happy Independence Day ..!! May India no longer be 'the third world country' or a 'developing nation' but FIRST WORLD and DEVELOPED !!

anandmahindra Happy independence day...independence from the poverty of ideas and solutions...

sachin_rt I wish everyone a Happy Independence day.All of us in our small way should contribute to make our country a better place. Jai Hind

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