Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Finding The Perfect IT Dulha

These days, in most of the matrimonial proposals I hear around me the bridegrooms are from the IT industry unlike the olden days when they used to be predominantly employed in banks or the government. So I was wondering how one would go about comparing two people in the IT industry especially in this period of changing beliefs, fresh thoughts and sceptical approach to conventions and traditions.

Everything written herein is intended for unadulterated fun. Any form of inconvenience or displeasure to anyone because of the content is deeply regretted. In other words, NO OFFENCE MEANT TO ANYONE.


[Settings of a common 21st cent. upper middle class house in urban India. Mother, housewife, in her fifties. Daughter, 'Four years experienced' IT professional, entering later half of her twenties.

A not-so-costly yet luxurious looking sofa set and an LCD screen television. A manhandled Dell Inspiron laptop lying on the teapoy, along with its accessories. A few papers carelessly spread on the sofa.

Daughter, dressed in summer casuals, sitting with folded legs on the sofa clutching a cushion close to her body. Mother, dressed in cotton saree, poring over some print outs.]


I found these two cases interesting. Vicky and Bunty. Both software developers in good companies.


What about the third guy Ronald?

Waise... doesn’t Ronald sound like a Christian name? How did he get into that list?


Arre... His name is Rohan. Ronald is the name they’ve given him in his BPO. But I had strictly told panditji not to send any BPO CVs. Developer or even Tester phir bhi theeeek hai... (with a tone of compromise, and then sternly) But pucca NO call centre!


Ma... I don’t want a support guy also. They have shifts and all... It’s a big pain...

Mother clearing a few papers away from the sofa. Now holding on to the two sheets in front of her and reading from them.


Vicky works in a captive unit of an American company. Permanent employee of that firm.

He is less likely to be benched or lynched. What say?


Yeah ma, but service me onsite chances are more na? I mean if he gets a good project, he can jump to that company and we can settle abroad right? Waise how old are they?


Bunty is five years. Vicky six and a half. But Bunty has two onsite trips already... Vicky to onsite sirf map pe dekhta raha hai! [Laughing]


Haha... I told na. US or UK? I don’t like going to the US. I want to settle in London. But they are still in recession. That’s the problem. Projects nahi milenge.


[Looking carefully into one of those papers]

Hey look, Vicky is applying for lead roles in other companies. He might become manager soon... Then it becomes a very good case to proceed. Hain na?


Check who has jumped more number of companies? More companies, more salary and less likely to have had any strong love affair! [Laughing]


Both in their third firm... Equally good if you ask me. Kya kare?

Mother, rearranging the papers on the sofa and sipping from her glass of coke. Reality show running on the television, obviously on mute.

Daughter picking up the laptop.


Let’s match some horoscopes ma. [Logs in to facebook]


How? I don’t have their horoscopes. And who believes in them anyway. Sab kuch to computer manipulated hai...


This is 21st century horoscope. More accurate than your previous generation ones. Hehe...

Let’s see... Vicky and me... See friendship... We have thirteen mutual friends... We both like Eminem, Pink Floyd, A R Rahman... We support Mumbai Indians... He likes NIIT? Must be some nerdy certifications guy... Hmmm... On the whole five out of ten... just ME.


What’s ME? And Bunty?


That’s the annual ratings ma... It means ‘meets expectations’.

Yeah... Here we go with Bunty. We’ve got ten mutual friends... Both like photography... Again AR Rahman... Aamir Khan... We like similar series... Both play Farmville... Hmm... Interesting. He likes cooking! Wow! Thats definite brownie points for you... And ye blog bhi karta hai? Not bad... He gets seven on ten... Exceeds expectations for sure...

Aakhir blogger hai! He’ll survive somehow... At least he has something else also, besides me, to drain out his frustrations! Haha...

Selected for appraisal... Chalo, isi ko pataathi hoon ab! I always hated arranged marriages!

File dot close...


  1. Very nicely written.
    IT gals want IT guys and vice versa.

  2. Nowadays, girls are very specific with this demands and choices abt their life partners.
    Every 1 in 3 is an Engineer working in an IT industry.Chances of you getting married if you are from Engineering bgrnd alone, is less. If you are from IT, God save you.

  3. funny post...isko pataati hun...lol!

  4. @lobo & @maniac.hunter - thanks! :)
