Sunday, March 14, 2010

Mradul Sharma and the Post-Pragyan syndrome

Mradul Sharma is the head of Pragyan ´10 Publicity team. He is placed in Mu Sigma where he dreams of working with loads of data! He has worked a lot for Pragyan and at one point like most of us he too was ´Pragyanified´.

Back here in NITT a person is said to be ´Pragyanified´ if he/she does regular night outs in Octa, retains a constant status msg on gtalk, is seen wearing the same t shirt for days together, dines everyday at bamboos and suffers a nervous breakdown at the mention of ´Admin´. (Results of intense research on the topic by (wannabe-) Dr. Kushal Jain of ICE Dept., NIT Trichy)

Now lets see how Mradul was also ´post-Pragyanified´ and why he had sleeples nights after Pragyan!


¨Dean Students¨
¨Thriteen Rupees¨
¨NIT Trichy¨
¨You are fired¨
The year is 2012. The place is Bangalore. The location is a fully furnished office in the heart of the city. On the wall is written ´Mu Sigma - Do the math´.

Mradul is fired from Mu Sigma after two years of rigourous data analysis work because they have just received a letter from the Dean Students of NIT Trichy that a bill for Rs. 13/- has not been settled by Mradul after Pragyan´10! Since no amount of explanation seems to help his case, Mradul has to put in his papers!

He wakes up in a state of shock and horror only to find himself still in NIT Trichy!


The year is 2010 and it is day 2 of Pragyan. Mradul is taking a break in A11hall and was enjoying a small nap when...

...Anand Krishnan (Head of Guest Lectures team) storms into the room and catches Mradul by the collar and yells ¨Its Dr. Bhargava´s lecture and there is no one in EEE Auditorium! Go get me some people at the venue! ¨

Mradul jumps out of his bed at 1:30 in the morning not knowing what to do!

So friends, here we see how Pragyanified people have a greater probability of suffering from ´Post-Pragyanified´ symptoms that is usually accompanied by a feeling of complete joblessness, an intense urge to stare blankly into the computers in Octa graphics lab, Sleeplessness until 2 in the morning, loss of appetite and most importantly a deep desire to trouble the (paavam-) Treasurer asking reimbursements!
